Sunday 25 March 2012


When choosing the soundtrack I wanted a track that contrasted with the shots. Unlike the fast cuts of the video, I wanted the audio to be quite slow and to gradually build up tension before reaching its climax. Although this technique opposes key thriller conventions and is therefore risky, I felt that, should it be carried out correctly, it would be much more effective than a more obvious use of soundtrack.

This inspiration came from a song I heard in the film 'This is England' by Shane Meadows. The song had a big effect on me because it made me very intrigued into what was happening and even created a sense of anxiety because of its gradual build-up. The sost music was unexpected alongside the fast cutting action in the film - it was this juxtaposition that gave the dramatic effect I am addressing. Below is the official video of this track:

I eventually decided on a track from called 'brandish'. Although quite different to the track above, it still gives the same effect and so I was very pleased with this track and how it sounds in my edit. I feel that the juxtaposing audio to video can really allow the audience to focus on the content within the film and the slow pace of the music forces them to think more thoroughly about closer details.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent inter textual reference to a brilliant film and soundtrack. This soundtrack picked up the pathos, vulnerability and emotional landscape of Woody and his gang. Though you found your soundtrack at the finishing line!!!!!!
