Costume is an important aspect of mis-en-scene, especially within the thriller genre. Many classic thriller film see a traditional suit uniform with a trilby hat. However, as our thriller is a modern interpretation we were forced to research more recent thriller products. We focused the research on films such as essex boys. We also looked into the film series 'This is England' by Shane Meadows - although not a typical thriller, we felt that the audience that this series is aimed at replicated the audience of our thriller.
It is important that the chosen audience are able to relate to the characters in the film. The classic punk/mod/skinhead look, originated in the 70/80's but has more recently come back to fashion amongst the teens of today with mainstream, highstreet shops stocking and selling clothes much alike the ones made popular in Meadows film. With our characters modelling a similar outfit, it will ensure that the thriller is relatable to our audience.
The 'mod' look is often associated with violence which fits perfectly with the representation of youths of today I intend to show; the violence within our film could be labelled as a key thriller convention as it is a topic that is often addressed in the thriller genre.
The main character, played by Charlie Soffe, will be wearing a baggy denim jacket over the top of a check Fred Perry shirt with skinny jeans; almost identical to the majority of costumes worn in Shane Meadow's series.
Not reflecting confident understanding of dress codes in films. The characters in This is England are skinheads. Your main character's costume and hair style are worlds apart!!!! Think Charlie and don't jump to inappropriate conclusions. Your characters' costumes reflects what 16-18 year old think is cool, thus your costume reflects the current fashion of upwardly mobile teenagers.